All Fun and Games Until...

Last weekend Soren was having a grand ol' time pulling his wagon all over the driveway. Well, until he tripped and the momentum of the moving wagon caused it to run him over. Ouch. Poor kid. He cried and carried on and generally collapsed into a sobbing mess on my lap in the driveway.


After several minutes of sobbing he moaned "oh, mom, it's hopeless." (pronounced "hooooooooooopless") Where does he get this stuff?

A little later we were playing some sort of game where I had to buy a ticket to get to wherever I was trying to go in my house (Out of my bedroom? $5. Into the bathroom? $12. Down the stairs? $9. Don't you just love how kids can make money letting you just do regular stuff in your own house?)

Soren: Mom, you need to buy a ticket?
Me: Ok, buddy, how much is it?
Soren: Twenty percent off retail.

Again, I'm blaming that one on too much time with bargain-hunting Peter.


  1. Your kid is way too smart. I know I can always get a good laugh when I come to your blog. I'm kind of sad that I will be missing the younger years of children. But, I'm sure I will have some choice blogs about teenagers.


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