It Was The Worst of Times, Part 4, Final Chapter
I'm surprised that I've had four whole installments worth of memories to write here.
The last week of the hospital stay was really about finishing his antibiotics and getting him off the drugs they had him on. Wow, morphine dependence is not a pretty sight. Poor kid was totally angry and fussy as they weaned him from that. Peter and I were pretty clear that when he is a teenager we're going to tell him the horrors of drug dependence and what a nightmare it is to get off. "Believe us, Soren, we saw you come off them once and don't ever want you to suffer like that again."

As he improved it was mostly annoying to be in the hospital. There was always some test they needed to run on him, or some reason they needed to disturb his sleep. When he was critically ill, we were so grateful for the help. But once he was ok, we just wanted our lives back. I wonder if all hospital patients go through that. It seems likely. Your doctor knows it is time for you to go when you are in a pissy mood all the time.
As I mentioned earlier, I only went home once during the 16 days Soren was in the hospital. Stepping outside was absolutely staggering. It was such a surprise to find that there was a world happening outside our own personal saga. Rhodedenrons were in full bloom. Spring flowers were everywhere. The world was so alive! It was absolutely shocking.
We were released from the hospital on Mother's Day. The hospital had a little apartment off the NICU where families could do a practice of being home. We spent our last hospital night there. Soren slept hardly at all, he seemed annoyed at still being in the hospital too. We were tired from the long ordeal, but ready to go home and be tired like normal first time parents.
And that's all I have to say about that.
On to the best of times!
The last week of the hospital stay was really about finishing his antibiotics and getting him off the drugs they had him on. Wow, morphine dependence is not a pretty sight. Poor kid was totally angry and fussy as they weaned him from that. Peter and I were pretty clear that when he is a teenager we're going to tell him the horrors of drug dependence and what a nightmare it is to get off. "Believe us, Soren, we saw you come off them once and don't ever want you to suffer like that again."
As he improved it was mostly annoying to be in the hospital. There was always some test they needed to run on him, or some reason they needed to disturb his sleep. When he was critically ill, we were so grateful for the help. But once he was ok, we just wanted our lives back. I wonder if all hospital patients go through that. It seems likely. Your doctor knows it is time for you to go when you are in a pissy mood all the time.
As I mentioned earlier, I only went home once during the 16 days Soren was in the hospital. Stepping outside was absolutely staggering. It was such a surprise to find that there was a world happening outside our own personal saga. Rhodedenrons were in full bloom. Spring flowers were everywhere. The world was so alive! It was absolutely shocking.
We were released from the hospital on Mother's Day. The hospital had a little apartment off the NICU where families could do a practice of being home. We spent our last hospital night there. Soren slept hardly at all, he seemed annoyed at still being in the hospital too. We were tired from the long ordeal, but ready to go home and be tired like normal first time parents.
And that's all I have to say about that.
On to the best of times!
Amy - I've been glued to your 4 installments over the last few days. I can't imagine experiencing a life-time of kid-related worry in the first weeks of your first child's life. And to not be able to hold your new baby for so long. Gut wrenching!! It's hard to imagine what that was like. I'm so glad you have a happy ending. Well, beginning, really, since the boy is only 4.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
It's so crazy that Soren looks so big, robust and healthy, yet he's connected to everything and clinging to life. He must have been a fighter.
Goose bumpy.
Happy to see the last installment-I'm surprised it only took 4! I really did enjoy reading your story. I'm so glad you took the time to share it. I am so happy everything worked out. It definitely is one of those worst nightmare situations.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the girls. It was wonderful to hear Sorens Saga. What a wonderful gift you have in him. And how hard you had to fight for him. I only wish every family felt the same way. (Of course, if that were true....I would never be able to have the best of times story.)
ReplyDeleteI've always enjoyed reading your blogs about your family and the wonderful little boy in your life. It is no wonder you always have a smile on your face. What an incredible blessing you have!!
Wow...that's all I can say... wow. Such an amazing story and I'm so glad it has a happy ending! Happy almost 4th birthday Soren!!!
ReplyDeleteI always knew Soren was sick, very sick, but wow those pictures really made me cry. What an amazing little boy with such amazing parents. Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all that! I guess It really never hit me how truly sick soren was. The sunshine song made me cry, it was so fitting.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea! He is such a happy, beautiful boy now! I'm sure those days were painful and awful but probably bonded you as a family in a way that nothing else could. You guys are great. Thanks for sharing your story!