Pizza Pizza

We invited the neighbor girls over recently for a little bit of pizza making. First you roll out the dough...

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...pausing to poke a few holes in the crust to keep too many bubbles from forming.

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We like a little bit of olive oil on the edges of the crust (or, er, not the edges as the case may be.)

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If I ever learn how to make my own pizza sauce with Peter's tomatoes I'm totally going to try to emulate Glen Muir organic pizza sauce. Yum! For now, we use Glen Muir pizza sauce.

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There was some fancy crust forming happening that day.

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...and some more, um, free form shapes too! Can you tell that Soren likes pepperoni?

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The end result was yummy, if these smiley faces are any indication.

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(even when those faces are covered with Odwalla green juice!)

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  1. Do you have your new BFF yet? You have nice windows you lucky duck! Now I need to get you to shoot raw. Let me know if you get LR for your birthday. Did you know they extended the trial until the end of June!

  2. Fun! I was thinking a make-it-yourself pizza night would be fun for book club. Now I might seriously do it.

  3. Jen-good idea
    Amy--two of my fav things: glen muir pizza sauce (weird huh) and Odwalla Superfood!


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