I've Got Some 'Splaining to Do

You may have noticed that I haven't posted as much as usual lately. Yes, I'm still stalking my small boy with my camera. It just has been hard to get it all to come together. I get the shot and then don't get it off the camera, or I get it off the camera but then don't have time to sort through the good vs bad pictures... and then I eventually just forgot what I was going to say in the first place.

We're remodeling, which means my refrigerator has been on the deck (plugged in and working,) my stove is in the dining room (not plugged in and with a camouflage sheet draped over it...where in the world did we ever get a camouflage sheet?) And our desktop computer...somewhere amidst desk drawers, books, kitchen table, bar stools and whatever else we removed from the areas of the house where we are putting in new floors. In general, our house has been in chaos. And that just doesn't really lend itself to quiet, blogged reflections on our day to day life.

Peter's been working so hard.

floor 017 copy

Our new floors have a past. A history. Their former incarnation was as bleacher seats from Bellevue High School near Seattle. Peter actually went to high school in Bellevue, though at the rival school. He's probably wrestled in front of people who were sitting on these very bleachers.

floor 013

But bleachers don't easily morph into flooring. Peter scraped gum off them (he says he could still get an occasional whiff of grape, cherry or bubble gum as he pried the pieces off.) And all the declarations of true love always scribed in pen have been sanded away. There was one particularly persistant, and gouged, profanity that was discovered quite late in the process. So even during the installation the floors kept trying to offer up clues of their past life.

floor 011

But they're coming along. Today they are more floor than bleacher. I'll tell you a bit more about them in a future post.


  1. Love it! I think I would have left the carvings. I am a true romantic when it comes to that sort of thing...the gum would have had to go, just to be clear:-) I love routers by the way! My favorite tool in the whole wide world.

  2. I can't wait to see them...it's been so fun hearing about the process!


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