
Soren has a treasure box. It was a gift from my friend Victoria who decorated it herself. She intentionally made it lovely enough that we could sit out in the house and collect the random coins of our day to day lives.

It is lovely.

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Any time Soren finds coins around the house he drops them in his box. And with his new pirate fascination, the term "treasure chest" has taken on a new meaning that totally adds to the intrigue for him. We hadn't opened it since before he was born, but he wanted to last week. So we dug out the key (that took some digging both in the drawers and in my memory trying to remember where exactly I put that key!)

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But what is even more exciting is that Peter has a treasure chest too. A duct-taped box filled with odd coins, old pennies, and random items a growing boy would have valued. Peter's Dad brought it out from the deep recesses of their basement. We've had it stored up in our attic since then.

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At Christmas while we were putting away all the decorations in the attic, Soren found Peter's treasure box. I thought he'd forgotton about it. But last week while we were going through his own treasure chest, Soren pleaded with me to get out Dad's treasure chest too. So we did. And then spent time sorting, stacking, and inspecting all the special treasures.

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When we'd had our fill we locked them all back up again. And as we were carrying Peter's treasure chest back to the attic Soren said "I am not going to take this to Somalia." Though he doesn't know any of the real details, he's heard about the pirates in Somalia and seems equally terrified and fascinated with the whole idea.

1 comment:

  1. Love the treasure chest idea. Neal has a couple of mason jars with odd bits like coins, patches, bulletts. You know, boy stuff.


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