Christmas Secrets

Me: Soren, what would you like to get for Dad for Christmas?
Soren: A new sweatshirt!
Me (very impressed that he chose such an appropriate present for Peter): Perfect! I actually know where there is one that Dad would really like! It is at Old Navy. We'll go get it for him. But remember, this is a secret. You can't tell Dad what it is.
Soren: Okay!

Me: Dad, Soren knows what he wants to get you for Christmas.
Soren: Yeah, it is a sweatshirt!
Peter: Hurrah! I love sweatshirts!
Me: Oh, dude, that was supposed to be a secret. But don't worry, at least he doesn't know where we are going to get it. (I have to admit that this was a bit of a test.)
Soren: Yeah, he doesn't know where we're going to get it!
Peter: The Gap?
Soren: Nope.
Peter: Old Navy?
Soren (looking completely confused and freaked out): Mom, he guessed it! What do we do?


  1. Hilarious! It's so funny when kids do that. I remember as a kid, my mom asked what we were doing. I yelled, "Dad's just wrapping up your new curling iron!" I got in trouble. Actually, I think my dad should have been the one to get in trouble for buying his wife a curling iron for Christmas.

  2. I love that whole little conversation! I totally remember how hard it was to keep a secret as a kid. Makes Christmas all the more fun wouldn't ya say?


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