Visiting Soren's School

Soren actually let me come visit his class last week. It took a bit of negotiation actually. He's quite proud of the fact that he goes to a school "without mom and dad." But I promised that I would 1) be very quiet, 2) ask the teacher if it was ok and 3) not stay too long.

He seemed to think this would be acceptable.

Before class starts they all line up to wash their hands at the sink:
Then all sit down quietly for circle time:

While I was there they learned about apples - how they grow and how to use them. They made applesauce in a crockpot and each child got a chance to put some apple slices in the pot.

After I was there awhile Soren looked over at me and asked "Mom, do you have to go to work?" When I told him that I did, he responded "Ok. Go now." Aw, my little independent boy!


  1. As good as it is to have an independent child, doesn't it hurt your feelings just a tiny bit? Sounds like he has a great pre-school.

  2. Love the pics from his school! It looks amazing!! Don't you hate the indepence though? Makes me sad how fast they are growing up. Molly ran into her friend Andrew at the playground last night and she said, "Mommy can you please go away."

  3. that's so cute, and a little sad at the same time. Soren's school looks so cute!


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