We're in Atlanta!

I'm in Atlanta for work. Peter and Soren joined me on Tuesday. Yesterday afternoon we had a great time downtown in the Olympic park playing in the fountains.
After lots of walking and (for Soren) running around and around and around the fountain, we headed out for a great dinner. I had to capture this moment below because it struck me as one of those things we'll regret teaching Soren someday!
The boys ate a big meal, and were really looking forward to their strawberry shortcake. They had forks in hand from the moment they placed the order!
It wasn't a disappointment with it arrived!
Yum! Yum! Yum!


  1. That is so great that they get to to join you on your travels! Now we will wait and see if you get bumped on the way home!

  2. If you get bumped then I'm going to start traveling with you so I can get free tickets.

  3. Thanks to grandpa for teaching Kate the straw trick. More than once, it's landed in the food of diners across the aisle. That shortcake looks so good!

  4. Strawberry shortcake is my MOST favorite dessert in the whole world and that looks "to die for good"...and just about the right size (might want it a little bigger LOL!)

    Fun that Soren and Peter got to meet you out there (man you've been busy eh?)


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