No More Diapers!
Soren decided last week that he's done with wearing a diaper at night. It actually came quite suddenly, so it kind of surprised me. I expected him to stay dry at night for awhile while still wearing a diaper. Then we'd know he'd be ready to go without one. But that wasn't quite his plan.
While we were in Atlanta I checked on him two nights in a row only to find that after I put him to bed he'd taken his diaper off by himself!
The first night I put it back on while he was sleeping. But he woke up dry the next morning. So when he took it off the second night and said that he didn't need a diaper any more, I decided to see what would happen. He's been dry every night since! He'll sometimes wake up during the night and call for me to take him to the potty, but he hasn't had an accident at all.
Now, if only we could get him to make that same transition away from the binky!
While we were in Atlanta I checked on him two nights in a row only to find that after I put him to bed he'd taken his diaper off by himself!
Now, if only we could get him to make that same transition away from the binky!
Wow! That's a huge accomplishment! Was it kind of a shocker that it was so easy? Sorry on the binky thing. At least you can tell yourself, "Hey, this won't be a problem when he's 30." Hopefully.