The Carousel

We love the Salem Riverfront carousel. I'm sure there is some fabulous story behind it, but really the only thing we know is that it is spectacularly beautiful and really fun!
We bought one of those zillion ride punch tickets and so we stop in most times we're downtown. Each of the horses is painted so beautifully and elaborately. And there's a restoration room in the building where you can see some of the horses being updated and repaired.
They're actually almost too beautiful to touch. But I'm glad that it isn't just a museum piece, because it is so much fun to go a few times around on all those beautiful horses. Love it.

1 comment:

  1. We have the billion punch card thingy really is a fun place to just stop in! Even better now that Jameson is older and a crying fit doesn't ensue everytime when we have to leave. Yippee!!!


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