How Germs Work

Soren and I have a cold. Actually, it is good news, because on Sunday when I saw his runny nose I was sure that he was showing signs of seasonal allergies. So, it being a cold at least means he's likely off the allergy hook for a little while longer. (I've heard that kids who have both parents with seasonal allergies have like a 70% chance of getting them. Sigh.)

Anyway, we've explained to him a little bit about how germs work. They come in your body and make you a little bit sick, then when you eat good foods or take medicine those things go in your body and say "scram you germs!"

Here is this morning's breakfast conversation:
Soren: Mom, are those germs having a party in my mouth?
Me: Yes, I think they are. We've got to get those germs out of there so that you don't have a cold any more.
Soren: How did they get there?
Me: Well, germs get there lots of ways...sometimes when you touch things and don't wash your hands before you eat the germs might come in on your hands. Or when people sneeze but don't cover their mouth, they might blow germs in the air. Or by kissing, sometimes germs come by kissing.
Soren: Oh. We kiss a lot.
Me: Yes, we do.
Soren: Maybe we should kiss only one time.
Me: But I love kissing you lots and lots. Every day. I don't mind if I get some germs because I want to kiss you so much!
Soren: Want to play trains?


  1. That could be good sign that he's a healthly little boy if he'd rather play trains than kiss girls. That's cute.

  2. Cute! It always comes back to trains doesn't it?

  3. I agree with Natalie...totally age appropriate right? Sorry to hear you guys got this yucky cold stuff that's going around. We are just getting over it...maybe even just starting a new one...can't really tell. All I know is...what the's MAY!!!


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