Making Everything All Better

We've found that in our house reindeer antlers and home-made popsicles are the perfect remedies if you are feeling yucky.

He's feeling much better today. I think the fever is mostly gone and that seems to really make a difference. He actually woke up chattering away and wanting to play this morning. I hadn't realized just how quiet he's been until I saw the difference today! He's still not really eating, but he played with his trains for the first time in a few days so I think he's on the mend. He only had enough energy for about 30 minutes with the trains (he's parked back on the couch at the moment), but still that is significant progress.

Somehow he's gotten the idea that now that he's weathered this sickness he is somehow "bigger". He announced "I'm bigger now, I go to school by myself" this morning. Then while watching Sesame Street he pointed out that he was bigger now and so he wasn't afraid of the Cookie Monster. But the funniest one was when he came up to me - I could see him visually comparing our size. He announced "See, I'm big, just like you now." We might have to get his eyes checked to see if his fever has someone distorted his abilities of perception!

1 comment:

  1. oh Amy, I am glad Soren is feeling better. How cute with him and the reindeer antlers and homemade popsicles! I am sending strong get well vibes and hope you guys have a much better week this week!


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