Latest Sorenisms

Lately Soren's said some really funny things. Here are a few:

* Last night he said about one of his penguin toys "well, he is certainly small."

* "Mommy, my tugboat is feeling nervous."

* I didn't hear this one myself, but my brother-in-law insists that Soren told him that Gordon (the train) looked indignant. What was really funny about that is I was in the other room and my brother-in-law yells out "Hey, what does indignant mean?" LOL.

Soren has also been a total eating and sleeping machine lately. Crazy. For the past 2 weeks been taking 4 hour naps (normally he sleeps for 2 hours, max) and then an hour longer than usual every night. And he is eating a TON! Must be a growth spurt coming.

1 comment:

  1. Soren has to eat and sleep alot so that he can use all of those big words!


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