Three on Thursday, Week 8: Starfruit, You Disappoint!

We're a fruit loving family here. What's not to love about all the colorful varieties of sweet and juicy goodness?

Soren spotted a starfruit at the grocery store last weekend and begged to try one. Despite my misgivings, I relented. I'd tried starfruit once before and since then have counted starfruit as the only non-delicious fruit.

But they look so promising!

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And cutting them up, they look even better. What lovely little bits of star-shaped beauty, eh?

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But the moment of truth did arrive...

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And while it didn't engender quite the photo-worthy look of horror that our past home grown orange tasting session did, the verdict was clear: starfruit are yucky.

1 comment:

  1. Such a shame... I guess they couldn't be the prettiest fruit as well as the tastiest. That wouldn't be fair to all the other fruit.


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