My First Teacher

Recently Soren has been asking "Mama, be my first teacher." At first I was confused because I had no idea what he was after. But the other night he came up to me with his little back pack saying "Mama, be my first teacher." So I thought I'd try. I put his back pack on and we pretended to walk to the bus stop. He told me that Peter was the bus so he climbed on Peter's lap and Peter pretended to drive him to school.

When he got to school he climbed down and came back to me. I welcomed him as if I was the teacher and told him to sit down for the lessons. We sang a few songs, did the ABC's, counted using fingers (holding up hands to show 1-5), and even some exercises (we're working on jumping jacks - currently only the part with the legs though!) I also gave him a brief lesson on bunnies where we pretended to hold and pet them. He was a very good student. Then we pretended to have a snack and he put his backpack on, got back on the bus and went home.

He's a very attentive student. :-)

Where in the world do they come up with this stuff?


  1. How adorable! You are such a great Mom! I probably would have been like, "Honey you are too young for school. You won't have a teacher till next year. Maybe Ryann will be your teacher." Pathetic, but probably true!

  2. I'm with you Kendell. Only I would have said, "what do you need school and books for? You can get the same thing from the tv, only faster!"

  3. That is so cute! Where the heck did he come up with that? Usually you notice it when kids have older brothers and sisters. What a smartie!


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