17 May SummitClimb Dispatch: Camp 3 planned for tomorrow!

Camp 2 Rest Day- Yesterday was a big day, waking up at 1am and walking from base camp direct to camp 2. So we have decided today shall be proclaimed an official day of rest. What to do? Lay around, drink a lot of fluids, eat several meals, worry. Things to worry about: 1) the weather - it's kind of foggy today, 2) the traffic jam - 600 foreigners+Sherpas still need to summit, 3) our team - are we all strong and healthy enough? 4) the forecast - will the 21 May window hold? Should we chase the elusive 27 May window? 5) the virus - does that Sherpa I can hear coughing have covid? 6) How will I get home? We heard all airports are closed and all flights are canceled. 7) if I do get home, will I have to go into quarantine for 2 weeks? 😎 what will happen to Kathmandu? We heard many people have covid there. OMG I have to stop worrying now, we are waking up early tomorrow AM to go to C3!

Source: SummitClimb

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with the rest of your climb (and the getting home part). This is all so exciting and interesting to follow.
    Also, I'm really glad that you are vaccinated!

    PS. Yellow is an awesome Everest color!


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