First Day of First Grade

Today was Soren's first day of first grade. On the way to school he asked: "Mom, can I have a special song since it is the first day of 1st grade? Can you please find some AC/DC?"

Moms were snapping photos of their little ones all over the place. Of course in the chaos of getting us to school on time, I forgot my good camera. No problem, camera phone will do in a pinch.

Mostly it wouldn't have mattered which camera I would use because it seems he's going through a phase (please, please, please tell me this is just a phase) of being physically unable to make a normal face in a posed shot. For example:

2011-09-07 08.27.23

Or this:

2011-09-07 08.27.36

Or this one, lovely:


I did finally catch him when he was too distracted to do something corny. Happy first day of school!



  1. 1st grade! Oh, it is all over now. I know people tell you that once they start 1st grade it goes by in a blink of an eye and you think "yeah...I know" but seriously..
    Can't wait to see your pictures from this year.

  2. Um, sorry to say, but mine's 13 and still does the goofy faces! Here's to hoping they do! By the way I was wondering why when I am on your blog it says mine hasn't updated for 11 months. Not true by the way!! I'm slowly working my way backwards.


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