Meijer Gardens

On our last day in Michigan, on the way to the airport actually, we visited Meijer Gardens. Meijer's grocery store chain is a major Michigan institution. Everyone I grew up with will have memories of shopping at meijerthriftyacres (pronounced as one word) which later just became Meijer.

One aside: the Meijers founder was Frederick Meijer. I find it interesting that in the northwest the most comparable grocery store we have here is called...Fred Meyer. Clearly the Fred + Meijer/Meyer name combination means you'll turn out to be a giant in the grocery biz!

Anyway, said Mr. Meijer created this really cool plant and sculpture garden. And we visited it.

The most famous icon of the Meijer Garden is the American Horse. Wow. It is beautiful. And very, very big! (To get a sense of the scale, notice my sister Amanda on the left!)

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But on this visit, while we did enjoy the plants...

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...we were mostly on the lookout for butterflies (check out Luke in the background here, looks like he's spotted one!)

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Soren was really proud, and still, when one landed on him! (Look just above his elbow for a black butterfly.)

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And another one found Luke!

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Soren was absolutely fascinated with them. He'd hold so still, and look so serious as he watched them.

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We were so lucky to get in on the end of the big butterfly exhibition. What a great day.

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  1. Cool horse!! They need a lift so kids can ride on it's back.

  2. Looks like fun...what a weird correlation between the Fred Meyer/Meijer.


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