The Alien Festival

Really, can you hear the name "Alien Festival" and not want to go?

Me neither.

I told Soren about it and that there would be people dressed up as aliens, so he immediately said he wanted to dress up like Spiderman. Um, of course?

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Well, he was definitely the only Spiderman at the Alien Festival.

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And he was most certainly the only Spiderman wearing a floppy hat at the Alien Festival.

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For 2010, about 80% of the aliens appeared to have just walked off the set of Avatar. Or at least walked near it.

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Or maybe they were from a galaxy that was kind of like Avatar, but mostly not.

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  1. Oh man... gotta love the chunky avatar guy.

    Aliens support biggest turkey? Hmm...I'm thinking of an Obama joke, but I better not... :)

  2. Where did they get all the blue paint? I think I would have used up my life's supply of snarky comments if I went to the alien festival. Except, of course, for Soren. Spidey costumes on small boys are always in vogue.

  3. Alien festival eh? Hmmmm....I'm having a hard time coming up with a comment for that one.....


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