Not Photographing The Haircut

I figure that at some point it just gets kind of silly to photograph your child getting a haircut.

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I mean, I get that most moms snap shots of that first haircut.

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But after awhile, a haircut is just a haircut, right?

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It isn't like there really is anything new to capture. One boy. One grandpa. One clippers. Same shots. Same scene. Same story. {Same mom irresponsibly trying to distract said serious boy from his job of holding statue-still.)

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Me, I can totally resist snapping shots of the exact same haircut I've captured so many times already.

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  1. I need to visit your dad's. Dave and I butchered Isaiah's hair last night. Definitely NOT photo-worthy. :(

  2. I can't wait until he is 20 and this same pictures keep coming.


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