Why Soren is Lucky that Peter is his Dad

  • Peter always knows the best way to answer those tricky questions like “where is God?” and “Why did they kill Jesus?”

  • Peter is a good wrestler, but will still occasionally let a 4 year old escape his death grip.

  • Peter doesn’t get too mad even when you might mistake a fledgling vegetable plant for a weed and consequently pull it out of the ground.

  • Peter knows all the lyrics to the coolest classic rock songs.

  • Peter knows enough about how rockets work to make space conversations really long and interesting.

  • Peter will always come and rescue us from spiders.

  • Peter will let Soren stay up later than I will.

  • Peter will create such a build up to getting to eat a high sugar treat that it will taste more delicious than if you had just grabbed it out of the cupboard.

  • Peter is very good at snuggling.

  • Peter teaches important life skills. Like how to make rude gestures at obnoxious drivers (don’t worry, not that rude gesture.)

  • Peter always knows where all the ambulances, fire trucks and police cars are going and every last detail of the people they are going to help.

  • Peter gets to know everyone who ever has the slightest bit of responsibility in caring for Soren (doctors, teachers, nurses…)

  • Peter has high expectations.

  • Peter won’t tolerate whining. At all.

  • Peter will make up jokes. And laugh at the jokes you make up.

Hm, looking at it all makes it clear that these are a lot of reasons that Peter is a pretty awesome husband too. How lucky Soren and I are.


  1. That is so sweet, hopefully you showed that to Peter!

  2. What a great post. You and Soren are both very blessed! (They lucked out getting you too...)

  3. This one just rocked my world. How absolutely endearing. You have an awesome family Amy....

  4. And you forgot: Peter knows how to make a mean stew for my book club gals!!

  5. Only someone as terrific as you deserves someone as terrific as Peter... I KNEW you'd be with a GREAT husband and father! YAY!


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