Vegetarian Ponderings

In our first dinner in Florida, I spotted something on the menu that was too good to resist: alligator nuggets. What better way to get to know a place that by consuming its wild animals, right? Soren was totally excited, so we ordered them. As we waited for our food to come we had the following conversation:

Soren: Are alligators dead?
Me: You mean like extinct? No, they aren't extinct.
Soren: No. I know they aren't extinct. Where are the alligators we are going to eat? Are they dead?
Me: Yes, they are dead.
Soren: When did they die?
Me: I don't know, maybe a few days ago.
Soren: How did they die?
Me: I don't know. The men killed them so people could eat them.
Soren: That isn't very nice.
Me: Yes, you're right.

You may recall that this isn't the first time we've had a conversation like this. So when he brought it up again a few minutes later I pushed it a little further.

Soren: Do alligators like being dead?
Me: Do you think they like being dead?
Soren: I don't know. I wouldn't like being dead. I'd miss you.
Me: I'd miss you too. Alligators probably don't like being dead either. You know, some people don't like it that animals die to make meat. So those people don't eat meat.
Peter: They're vegetarians. They don't eat any meat.
Soren: Oh.

{long pause as I waited for his vegetarian declaration}

Soren: I have something to say about that... I LOVE MEAT!

Looks like we are off the hook just a little longer. Oh, and the alligator nuggets. Very tasty. Kind of tasted like chicken.


  1. I'm almost afraid to ask what the nuggets were. I hope they weren't anything like Rocky Mountain Oysters. :D

    Britanie declared to be a vegetarian in May. Since then...I think she has had almost all kinds of meat (except maybe Alligator) She has even had Buffalo.

    I think most kids go through a veggie stage when they realize what meat is. Sounds like you are the lucky ones. I don't know many adults that would attempt foreign food like Alligator. Go Soren!!!

  2. Go Soren!! He's all man. I was worried you were going to turn him into a vegetarian with all those leading questions.


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