The Rest of the Vacation, Yellowstone

Soren liked talking to the Rangers. Most of the time he asked about safety-related things, like "um, can that bison jump over that fence?" (The answer was an emphatic yes.)

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And for this Ranger, Soren asked "What kills you?" Poor kid, he really took the "don't step on the geyser" posters to heart.

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He was quite happy, and safe, though just out hiking on the trails.

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Well, except for when Peter was trying the "headlock carry" on him! (I'm still not quite sure how this hold worked exactly, because Soren absolutely loved it.)

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We climbed all the stairs up to the top of Mammoth Hot Springs. In fact, Soren led us running up the whole way. Amazing what he can accomplish when he's pretending to be an express train.

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(Though I'm certain he's cuter than any ol' express train on the island of Sodor.)

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One of the nice thing about being on vacation is that mom and dad will let you go out for breakfast while wearing your jammies. Oh, and playing the bubble game on mom's cell phone isn't bad either.

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What a great vacation!


  1. That does look like a fabulous vacation. Love his hat.

  2. Fantastic vacation pics Amy! It looks like a wonderful family trip, but I was curious...did you break out your cowboy boots? :)


  3. That headlock move reminds me of an animal carrying its offspring from the neck. :)


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