My Mom (According to Soren)

My Mom's name is Amy.

She is 90 years old.

She weighs as big as dad.

Her hair is gray and his eyes are green.

She loves to relax by taking naps and going to bed.

She likes to wear dresses (in the car one time she hanged her dress out.)

What makes her laugh? Hanging her dress out of the car.

My mom's favorite song is the abc song.

She loves to cook pancakes.

His favorite household chore is to play.

His favorite TV show is Dragon Tales

Momy always tells me to pick up my toys and I pick them up.

If she could go on a trip she would go with me to Michigan, and to Honduras too.

What makes your mom mad? Saying not nice things but I am a polite boy.

What animals does your Mom like? The same animals that I like. I like llamas...and goats because goats at Zoe's house bump their heads sometimes.

What does mom want for Christmas? a toy helicopter, a hammer (a not dirty one), and licorice for dad and a choo choo train for me.

What is mom's favorite book? The dinosaur books that we got from the library.

My mom likes to eat bacon.


  1. At least you are younger than Peter! So cute to see things from Soren's perspective.

  2. You like to eat bacon, wear dresses, and read children's books. You sound very interesting. And for a 90 year old, you sure have the preferences of a 4 year old!

  3. Bacon and naps are two of my favorite things too.

  4. Funny that your favorite song has the same tune as Peter's favorite song. Hmmmm. I think that now that this was need to tell the story of the dress being hung out the car. :D

  5. Gray? Is that what they are calling blonde these days! So darn cute!


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