Salmon Salmon's Funeral

I guess we're not quite ready to get a dog. Sigh. Salmon Salmon lived only a few short weeks at our house.

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We're not quite sure what happened, but I'm suspicious that the late afternoon sun trickling in through the window onto the fish tank might not have been the best idea.

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Peter and I knew he was dead for 2 days before we broke the news to Soren, who hadn't noticed himself. Well, he had noticed that Salmon Salmon was resting more than usual, he just hadn't come to the "dead" conclusion yet.

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Running out for a replacement fish definitely was thoroughly discussed. But in the end we just went for the truth. "Kid, your fish is dead."

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But I guess Soren wasn't overly traumatized because he asked if we could chop Salmon Salmon up so we could see his bones. Oh boy. We passed on that and went for a simple burial in the pansies.

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Rest in peace, Salmon Salmon.


  1. Poor Salmon Salmon :( We have lost 3 beta in the last year. They are a little temperamental. You might try frogs next time. They seem to be more resilient.

  2. Gee, don't break it to him too softly! " Kid, your fish is dead." That is hilarious!

  3. Your pictures are so good! I love this post(okay...not that the fish died, just the way you capture it) You are becoming a stellar photographer! Seriously inspired by you. Make sure you look into printing your blog once a year so you have this in print.

  4. Your photos and words told the perfect really documented the life and tragic death of Salmon Salmon well!


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