Jumping on Furniture

When I was a girl it was absolutely forbidden to slide down the stairs, jump on our beds, or jump on the couch. Why was that? Does this cause some irreparable harm to the stairs or furniture? Or does it teach children some lack of restraint that will somehow make them into disfunctional adults?

This weekend we discovered that our couch cushions make great jumping platforms and landing pads.

playing 036

And that even if you jump 150 times into the air as high as you can possibly go, you'll still have enough energy for more jumps.

playing 050

Is my furniture now going to disintegrate, or is there some other reason I should be forbidding this kind of silliness?

playing 049

Until we come up with a good reason to forbid it, I think ours is going to remain a place where jumping on the bed, sliding down the stairs, and leaping from the furniture is ok. If you drive into the driveway and hear squeals of delight coming from within the house, that is the reason.


  1. That's one happy kid! And a cool mom, too. We weren't allowed to jump on the furniture either, but we did it anyway.

  2. If I jumped 150 times I would probably pass out. What a work out!

  3. I am so glad to hear that there are people out there that feel the same way I do. My philosophy is....if they are happy....let them do what they want. If they cry....they might not want to do it again.

    Good for you mom!!!

  4. I am dripping with envy over your new camera. I WANT ONE! These pictures are all fantastic and so bright and colorful.....sigh. ;-)

  5. I was lucky enough to have a mom who not only let us jump on stuff, but encouraged it...and write on walls...and I turned out relatively normal and can even show some jumping restraint while at friends' houses. So I say, Yay Soren! For your great mom and your amazing jumping stamina!!


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