
While I was in Switzerland I picked up a cute new stuffed animal for Soren to sleep with. It was a huge score because totally loves his new dog. This unfortunate for his former bedmate, Mr. Moose, though. Last night Soren insisted that Mr. Moose was no longer welcome in his room. I told him that Mr. Moose could sleep on the window seat...but this is what I found outside Soren's room well after I put him to bed:


  1. Wow, that's harsh! Poor Mr. Moose.

  2. You should invite Mr. Moose to sleep with you and Peter. He won't be so lonely and maybe Soren will get jealous and want him back. :)

  3. At least he gave him a pillow?

  4. Poor Mr. Moose. Left out in the cold - and without a blanket! I hope the new stuffed dog from Switzerland knows how good he has it...for now.


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