Fun with Pilots, Vomit Bags, and Hair

We're home! Yippee! After a long and fun-filled trip it feels great to be back home again. It did take some effort to keep us all entertained on those long cross country flights, but you'll see we managed just fine...


  1. I swear, Soren is the luckiest kid ever. Of course, as often as you guys fly, they should be letting you ride in the cockpit.

  2. Still smiling at the end of the trip! Too cool that Soren got to check out the cockpit.

  3. Glad to see the vomit bags were used in good fun...I was a little worried for you when I read the title of this post! Hmmmmm... the one thing I am not jealous about on your adventure is the cross country flight. So hard to keep the little ones entertained...I'll have to remember the barf bag thing next time!


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