A Quick Stop at the Children's Museum

We're members of the local children's museum. We joined again because we have some upcoming trips to cities that also have children's museums and by joining one you get admission to all of them. One of the very best things about being a member is that it makes it suddenly ok to just drop in for a quick 45 minute visit. Instead of feeling obliged to spend a few hours there to get your money's worth, you can drop in whenever you have a spare hour. So we go quite often.

We stopped in the other day to break up some of our errands.

Soren tried out a game that he hadn't tried before. It had a touchscreen and I think he was supposed to guide his fish through some levels of development. Er, well, it was a bit of a struggle for him...
Fortunately he can't read, so he doesn't know his dire fate.
There was another room that had a cool reflection screen that allowed us to move and watch our reflections change on the screen...
This is me posing to take the picture...I used the flash this time so you could see Soren doing his wiggling.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a great day with mom at the museum. It's so much fun to die of starvation and be gobbled up by bigger fish.


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