Time For a Haircut?

We're heading to Michigan this weekend. Grandpa P is the one who always cuts Soren's hair, in fact he's the only one who has ever cut it. So, having a barber who lives 2,304 miles away means that I either need to go overly long before cutting it, or cut it before I'm quite ready.
I think Soren's Christmas haircut prompted the most comments ever on our blog, so I thought we'd give everyone a pre-emptive vote. Peter says, yes, we should definitely cut it. I'm about 80% sure we should cut it...but I have to admit that watching the locks fall is a bit heartbreaking. But if we don't cut it now, it will likely be months before we see Grandpa again.
So, what do you think? Should we keep it tidy, or let it go all bohemian?


  1. I LOVE Soren's curls, but it seems to grow back quickly enough - might be nice to be "sheared" for the rest of summer!

  2. I say keep it long! Maybe just trim it up a tiny bit, but don't get the "boys regular".

  3. I agree with Katie, maybe just a trim. I love those curls!

  4. If Luke had those curls it'd be hard for me too! Im sure Dad wont let you get away without a trim. So, to make Dad happy, I think you should let him cut it. Luke and Soren can be twins for the weekend!

  5. Oh man those curls are so cute. I agree with Katie, maybe just a little trim but they are too cute to cut off.

  6. That's a tough one. Those curls are awesome, and he'll probably hate them when he's older. Maybe just a trim.

  7. You know....I used to want curly hair when I was little. My mom used to keep it pretty short. When I finally grew my hair out......It was all curls. So that is a tough choice. I say....cut it for the sake of Grandpa and summer heat. It will always grow back and everyone will be happy in the long run. Good luck!! :)


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