Watch Your Mouth, Mama

Lately I've been trying to get Soren to stop talking about poop and pee all the time. He loves to shout out those words fairly randomly, especially at the dinner table. "Old McDonald had a farm and on his farm he had some poop," for example. Oy. Boys. Once I convinced Peter that he shouldn't be joining in on those songs, the training proceeded much more quickly. ;-)

Here's a conversation we had this weekend though:

Me: "Ok my little Sweet Pea, what would you like to do now?"
Soren: "Mama, that is not a nice way to talk!"


  1. Riley does the same thing, he yells out in public i have to pee, i have to poop mmmaaammmaaa i have to poooooppp! so embarrasing. Glad to know hes not the only one :)

  2. It's not just boys with the pottie mouths. Kate could make a sailor blush. But it's not her fault. She learns well from her mother.


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