Now Accepting Applications to Soren's School of Charm

I put Soren to bed the other night as usual. Peter was out mowing the lawn and I went to work on the computer. About an hour later Peter drives the lawn mower into the garage and finds Soren out playing with his cars and chalk in the driveway! Soren immediately went up to Peter and said, "Thanks for mowing the lawn, Dad. You did a really great job!"

Peter, of course, was wondering just what Soren was doing wandering around outside and asked, "Er, buddy, aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

Soren continued smiling and complimenting his Dad. "Dad, it is very helpful when you mow the lawn. Sometimes I trip when the grass is long, but now I won't trip."

Peter wasn't distracted quite so easily. "Soren, shall we go ask your mom what's going on here?"

And Soren knew that absolutely no good could come of mom getting into this discussion. "No, Dad, I think I'll just stay playing right out here!"


  1. How do kids instinctively know how to charm their way out of potentially punishing situations? Soren is one of the best.

  2. Holy cow, that is really creative!


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