Psychedelic Snacks

So here's a conversation that I hesitate even to tell for fear that someone is going to call child protective services!

Me: Hey Soren, do you want to make some brownies?
Soren: OK! I want to make hash brownies!
Me (oblivious): Ok, go get up on your stool.
Soren: We're making hash brownies! I want to make hash brownies! Let's make hash brownies!
Me (still oblivious): Ok, you pour this into the bowl.
Soren: I'm making hash brownies!


Me (sort of catching on): What did you say? Hash brownies? These aren't hash brownies, these are just brownies. What are you talking about?
Soren (sits quietly for awhile, then): Can I take a bite of the hash brownies?

I swear I am so far out of the whole drug culture that I didn't even register what he was saying...anyone else though would probably have noticed that a two-year old is asking mommy for some the brownies. Oy. The worst part is that he learned all about hash brownies on our family breakfast days...when Peter orders hash browns!

So, I was wrong I won't follow up the two-year-old-plays-with-life-endangering-scissors video with juggling chain saws. We've branched into making psychedelic brownies instead!



  1. I can't believe you feed your son hash brownies! Ha, ha...that is hilarious...and an easy mistake to make!

  2. We love making brownies at our house too...only we stay strictly to the recipe:)

  3. Could I come over for a snack sometime?


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