Long weekend

This was a pretty long weekend for us. On Friday Peter took Soren to the doctor because he suddenly was having breathing difficulties. He'd had minor cold symptoms for two days, but suddenly it seemed to affect his breathing. The doctor diagnosed Croup and didn't like the way that it sounded. Croup generally gets much worse during the night and since sounded so bad during the day she wanted to be sure that we were in the hospital in case it worsened overnight. So on Friday Soren was admitted to the hospital.

In the hospital

In the hospital 2

Generally, he thought the hospital was a fun adventure. He received breathing treatments every four hours throughout the night and we were released in the morning.

In the hospital 3

Unfortunately, Saturday night wasn't an easy one. Between midnight and 4 am we went back and forth on whether to call the doctor. He'd stuggle to breathe, but then he'd get it under control. But at 4 am we did call and they advised us to head in to the ER. They also suggested that we bundle him up and travel with all the windows rolled down. Peter and I shivered on the drive, but by the time we got to the hospital Soren was doing just fine. He smiled and chatted with every one there, making us feel a bit silly for bringing him in! The doctors did give him some more meds and a prescription to help things heal more quickly. Last night was much better for us, so they do seem to be working.

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