Three on Thursday, Week 15: Eggs & Germs

We were invited to a really fun Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday.


Soren takes the possibilities of unlimited, free candy very seriously. He was focused in his hunting, and ended up with more than 50 eggs!

Peter and I went out Saturday night and had a babysitter (our awesome babysitter who went away to college this year was home for the weekend!) He picked her some flowers and gave her some of his Easter candy. That truly speaks to the abundance when he was willing to give some away.


Sadly, he came down with the flu on Tuesday night. His eyes really speak volumes when he's sick, poor guy. This picture actually shows him looking much better. Last night he looked so out of it, I was too distracted to even photograph it. Peter took him to the doctor today because his labored breathing (Croup, old friend, we really haven't missed you.) He got some medicine for that and hopefully tonight will pass more uneventfully than our frequent outside trips allowed us last night. The cool night air really is a magical elixir.


1 comment:

  1. Poor Soren! At least it didn't come on while you were on your trip. Hope he's back to his old self soon!


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