Fun With Light Sabers

(As I'd hoped, getting re-started with blogging has inspired me to try to catch up with what I missed last Fall. So, I'll post these stories as if they are current and then every week or so, re-order them to their proper chronological position - my OCD tendencies can't handle having them with the wrong dates for too long!)

My kid loves light sabers. In fact, he loves everything Star Wars-related.

light saber 009

So when he insisted on busting his best Jedi moves in complete darkness, I couldn't help but try to capture the moment.

light saber 004

Most of the pictures came out a blurry mess, but his one is my favorite...kind of like a ghost is wielding a light saber!

light saber 019


  1. Those may be the coolest pictures I've ever seen.

  2. I need to know what camera setting you used on these. They are fantastic!

  3. That's are awesome! One of the best gifts I got Cal was the light aber nightlight. Here is a link:

    Stick it to the wall with those command strips. In case you are in need of a gift!!


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