Spring Walk

While I was out running last weekend near our house, I came across a couple of photographers who told me that there were newborn owls down the train tracks.
april 133
On one of our loveliest spring evenings of the year so far, I convinced the fam to head out to try to find them.

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We brought dinner.

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And may or may not have been begged by this mama to pose for a picture or two.

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But they are pros at that by now anyway now, no?

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We found all sorts of fabulous big, metal, dirty stuff that kept the boys well occupied on the trek to find the owls.

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And that always includes rocks, of course.

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We got near to the owl nest but then the mom was flying around in such noisy distress at our presence that we turned back. We never did see the babies. But we had a lovely evening walk nonetheless.

april 136

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