Gum Wall, Seattle

Yum, gum.

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Endless, hunks and chunks of gum.

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Lots of chewing required (we stocked up big time before we got there.)

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Gum, gum, and more gum. More colors that you ever knew were possible.

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Gum. Yummy gum.

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Dripping, stretching, fancy gum.

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Calm, cool, momma gum.

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And forever some of our gum.

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  1. I can smell your pictures. Amazing how those shots made the gum look amazingly mesmerizing. Good to see you added to the wad.

  2. ABC gum is one of the absolute grossest things in my opinion...however, somehow your pictures made that yucky wall look artistic...GO SEATTLE!

  3. I tried to post a comment on this post the other day but my sign in was having here I go again.

    I love this wall. I too would have to go and take pictures of it. I love everything about it. I think it is so ...photogenic? LOVE IT!
    I told my friend Jenny about it knowing she would be horrified. She was! I hope she checks out your pictures.


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