Young Love

Soren has announced that he's going to marry Ella.

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He said that he's going to wait for her to decide to get married. Then they are going to live in Florida and train dolphins at a SeaWorld.

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Except he's also said that Sheila wants to marry him, and that she's going to be his husband. (That's not a typo, he said Sheila would be the husband.)

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And then again, while we were driving in the car tonight he said "Mom, I want to be with you forever. Don't marry anyone else!"

Was I naive to expect all this marriage talk to happen much later than 4 years old?


  1. Scary! My kids talk about marrying their dad when they're about 3. Then, it's pretty much "gross-ville" after that.

  2. Ok. This is the fourth post I have seen with my friends adorable children flirting and in love with someone. Is it spring? Did I miss something? Love must be in the air. As I think all the posts are the sweetest things...I cannot help but wonder where I should be. With a 14 year old teenage daughter...this would not be cute. Why is it cute only when they are young? When does the dad start carrying the shotgun? :D

  3. So cute. Jameson still says that when he gets married he's going to attach his house onto ours so he doesn't have to be too faraway from his Mama. Sounds perfect to me hee hee!

  4. How cute! Love the hand-holding picture.


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