Él Habla Español

We're going to Honduras next week. So, in preparation, I checked out a bunch of kids books in Spanish at the library. Most of them are simple picture books (the one exception is a 1,000 word kid's Spanish encyclopedia. Note to self: 1,000 word encyclopedias do NOT make for riveting reading...especially since Soren insists that I get each and every one of the 1,000 words!)

Anyway, this has meant that he's been kind of thinking about languages and how some people use different words. Yesterday he asked me "Mama, how do you say thank you in Spanish?"

I told him that you say "gracias."

"Oh," he said. "You mean like gracias amigos?"

I guess he was studying without me somehow!

He also tuned in to a few minutes of Dora the Explorer. Afterwards he came to me in the other room. "Mama, I have a few more words."

"Oh, really?" I asked. "What are they?"

"I'll tell you when we get to Honduras." he said.

Can't wait!


  1. Soren the linguist. Knowing kids, he'll speak spanish by the time you get home from your trip.

  2. Great Blog. Have fun on your trip. What a great experience you are providing for your son.


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