Who Needs to Apologize?

As I suppose is typical (please tell me this is typical!) of a 3.5 year old, Soren is a big fan of enforcing rules on others that he's forced to live with. For example, if he starts being bossy or rudely demanding, we'll insist that he rephrase things to ask for them more nicely. But if he ever hears a tone in our voice that he thinks isn't kind, he'll insist on an apology. Fair enough I suppose. But he's now expanded the apology-requiring events to be anything that makes him unhappy!

From last night:

Soren wanted to play catch with me. Unfortunately, he didn't tell me that before he threw his stuffed animal at my head. He immediately apologized:

Soren: Mama, I'm SO sorry!
Me: That's ok Soren, I know it was an accident. But please don't throw things at my head anymore. Then I'll be happy to play with you.

He thought about it for a moment, and it was clear that he felt he was being reprimanded.

Soren: Mama, that is NOT a nice way to talk. You have to say sorry!
Me: Sorry? Why? I didn't do anything wrong.
Soren: You were not talking nicely. You need to say sorry.
Me: No, buddy, I didn't say anything bad. I don't need to apologize.
Soren (stomping off to sulk): Then I'm not going to be your friend anymore. You need to say sorry!

Or another example:
Me: Soren, it is time for bed.
Soren: No! That is not a nice way to talk!

Or another example:
Soren: Can I have a cookie?
Me: No, but you can have an apple, some cheese, or some Goldfish.
Soren: No, I want a cookie.
Me: Sorry buddy. No cookies now.
Soren: I am not happy! You need to say sorry!
Me: Oh, it is too bad that you are unhappy. I hope you feel happy soon.
Soren: A cookie would make me happy. Can I have a cookie?

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