We Made a Gingerbread House!

Last night Soren and I made a gingerbread house. Well, mostly he asked if he could eat the frosting and candy.


This is the first time we've ever made one. One question: what happens next? Am I just supposed to let it get all dried out and yucky? Or is there supposed to be some occasion for eating it?


  1. As a kid I secretly ripped off the pieces and "tried" to eat them, most were too hard. Now we just leave ours up to dry and get hard and then throw it away after Christmas. Carson and I are doing a gingerbread train today.

  2. On New Years Eve, get some M-80 firecrackers (the illegal ones you can get on the indian reservations or Wyoming), and blow the house up. We did that one year. It was fun! Just be careful not to blow your hand off.

  3. I've always wondered. I usually pick pieces off so much, there isn't anything left after a few days.

  4. Hmmm...good question...I can honestly say...ours has never actually stood long enough to even get pictures...

  5. That looks so yummy but too pretty to eat! I would leave it out - it looks so festive.


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